On April 7-9, Moscow will host the 11th Russian Internet Governance Forum (RIGF 2021). The three forum days will include eight sessions during which participants and experts will discuss information security, trust on the internet, social media regulation, data sovereignty, artificial intelligence uses and other topical issues related to technological development and the formation of the internet governance ecosystem.
On April 7, the RIGF 2021 opening ceremony will be attended by:
- Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation;
- Alexander Khinshtein, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Informational Policy, Technologies and Communications;
- Tatyana Matveyeva, Head of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications Infrastructure, Russian Presidential Executive Office;
- Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union;
- Anriette Esterhuysen, IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group Chair;
- Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ.
Also, the IP&IT LAW 2021 awards ceremony will be held on the first day of the forum.
At the Internet Governance session, to be moderated by Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ, and Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation Executive Director, participants will discuss a report on international cooperation in the digital age, developed on the instructions of the UN Secretary- General by the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. The discussion will also be attended by Tatyana Matveyeva (Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation), Maxim Parshin (Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation), Mandy Carver (ICANN), Sergey Plugotarenko (RAEC), Rashid Ismailov (VimpelCom) and Wolfgang Kleinwachter (University of Aarhus).
At the Emerging Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Ethics session, to be moderated by Karen Kazaryan (RAEC) and Anna Abramova (MGIMO), participants will discuss the importance of a responsible approach to the development of artificial intelligence in such areas as medicine, industrial production, transport and creating a soft legal foundation for the regulation of artificial intelligence systems. The discussion will involve Elza Ganeeva (Microsoft), Jan Kleijssen (Council of Europe), Andrey Neznamov (Sberbank), Andrey Kuleshov (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), Alexander Tyulkanov (Skolkovo Foundation) and Maxim Fedorov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology).
The Virtuti Interneti awards will be presented on April 8. The award was established by the Coordination Center in 2010 and it is presented to representatives of the internet community, business, science and public administrations for their significant contribution to the development of Runet and the global internet.
Also on the second day of the forum, two sessions are scheduled: Data Sovereignty, Digital Platforms: Rules of the Game, and Building a System of Trust in Supply Chains.
The Attributing Cyberattacks on the Internet: Myth Busting section will open the last day of RIGF 2021. Also on April 9, forum participants will discuss the inequality in the legal status of internet platforms and users, and the problems of content regulation.
The forum will be concluded by the Youth Session, during which the organizers and participants of youth projects at the Coordination Center will discuss the ways to attract more young people to the internet governance industry.
The detailed program and the list of speakers are available at: rigf.ru/prog
Participation in the forum is free, registration is required: rigf.ru/reg
Join RIGF 2021 discussions!
The event is being organized by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ with support from the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media, ICANN, RIPE NCC, Technical Center of Internet and Kaspersky Lab.
General media partner: RIA Novosti
Strategic media partners: Interfax, MIC Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
Digital media partner: ComNews.ru.
Media partners: Finmarket Information Agency, Russian Information Agency FederalPress, Moskva City News Agency, PRO BUSINESS TV channel, Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper, IKS-MEDIA, Infox.ru, D-Russia.ru, MSKIT.ru, Nag.ru, ICT- Online.ru, ICT2GO.ru, Telesputnik.ru, Open Systems Publications, AllDC.ru, Telecombloger.ru, BYTEmag.ru, DCJournal.ru, PolitExpert, Vestnik Svyazy, Mobile Telecommunications, CONNECT. The World of Information Technology, R-Spectrum, RUBEZH, BIT. Business & Information Technology, System Administrator, Bestsellers of the IT Market and arppsoft.ru.