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10:00 - 10:30

Opening of the Forum

Воробьев Андрей, Директор Координационного центра доменов RU/РФ
10:30 - 12:00

Plenary session. Finding the Perfect Internet: Balancing Interests and Technology

In an ideal world, every Russian has access to reliable, inexpensive and high-speed internet service, regardless of their location or social status. This implies more than connectivity alone: it is about more people being fully engaged in the global digital economy. Students in rural areas need to have the same educational opportunities as in cities; small businesses need access to customers outside the local market, and every individual should have access to basic online services without barriers.

Немкин Антон, Депутат Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания РФ, координатор федерального партийного проекта «Цифровая Россия»
12:00 - 12:10

Коллективная фотография участников RIGF 2025

12:10 - 12:30

Coffee break

12:30 - 13:00

Session 2. Formation of Strategies for the Development of AI

Many countries, including Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa and others, are discussing national strategies in the field of AI. The G20 has already adopted the principles of AI in 2021. The G7 began the AI-Hiroshima process in 2023. The US president has issued an executive order on artificial intelligence. The EU is developing a bill on artificial intelligence. The Council of Europe is working on a legally binding Convention on AI. UNESCO has adopted the recommendation "Ethics and AI". The UN has established an Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. A group of government experts has been discussing the very sensitive issue of lethal autonomous weapons systems for ten years. All these trends are of great interest to the Russian Internet community.

13:00 - 14:00

Session 2. Technology Without Borders: International Cooperation Mechanisms

In a fiercely competitive global environment, every IT solution is more than just a product; it is a bridge between different cultures and economic realities. Russian IT companies can become key players in this field, because they are able not only to meet the needs of developing markets, but also to enrich these economies with unique technologies based on many years of experience and recent scientific progress.

Глущенко Вадим, Директор АНО «Центр компетенций по глобальной ИТ-кооперации»
14:00 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:00

Session 3. Children Online: Technology and Safety

How do you teach children not only to use the internet, but also to understand the risks that it carries? Critical thinking is a key tool for being protected in the digital environment. The discussion will focus on ways to foster critical thinking, the right age to start teaching digital hygiene, and online threats the new generation is likely to encounter. The participants will talk about different types of literacy including information, digital and media literacy.

Парфентьев Урван, Координатор Центра безопасного Интернета, директор фонда «НеДопусти»
16:00 - 17:00

Session 4. In the Digital Orbit: Internet from Space

Satellites do not only provide connectivity in the most remote places. They are a major component of the data economy. How is satellite internet developing in Russia and around the world? What barriers are preventing its greater penetration? How do we harmonize space and internet governance? We will have a discussion on how satellites help promote the data economy.

Кайгородов Михаил, Директор по развитию стратегических проектов «РТКомм.ру»
17:00 - 17:30

Coffee break


Session 5. Global Dialogue and the Digital Agenda

Twenty years ago, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) laid the foundations for a digital world that focused on people and the development of society, information and knowledge. WSIS+20 is a time to take stock and assess the progress made in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes and those of the Internet Governance Forum. We will discuss how the Global Digital Compact, adopted in 2024, can be the key to a more coordinated approach to digital governance, despite the disputes in the international arena.

Maria, Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications

Technical break


Session 6. Guidelines for Countering Digital Disinformation

How can we effectively address disinformation while maintaining a balance between security and freedom of speech? In this session, we will discuss the measures already taken, their impact on society and the digital environment, as well as possible regulatory approaches that will help make the internet cleaner and safer.

Маклаков Сергей, Заместитель начальника управления по противодействию распространению недостоверной информации АНО «Диалог Регионы»
