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10:00 - 10:30

Opening of the Forum

Andrey, Director of Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ
Alexander, State Duma Committee on Information policy, Technologies and Communications, Chairman
Tatyana, Head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications Infrastructure
Chengetai, Head of Office, UN Secretariat for the Internet Governance Forum
Alexander, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Alexey, Director General of the RSS Executive Committee
Vadim, Center for Global IT-Cooperation
10:30 - 12:00

Session 1. Data Economics: International Cooperation and Technological Leadership

A key component of contemporary socioeconomic development is data-based management. Initiatives and projects are being established with the goal of creating the technological, cadre, regulatory, and other elements of the ecosystem needed to deal with data. Thanks to this, a high-tech innovative environment is being formed aimed at the digital transformation of economic sectors, the creation of advanced solutions, and international cooperation is developing. For the effective implementation of these strategies, there is a need of mechanisms for coordination of stakeholders, and during the session it is proposed to discuss the experience of development institutions in this area.

The key issue of the panel discussion is the role of development institutions in shaping the data economy at the national and international levels.

Alexey, Digital economy
Sergey, Digital economy
Pavlov, Russian Information Technology Development Fund
Vladimir, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Xiaoyu, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT)
Vadim, Center for Global IT-Cooperation
Evgeny, Skoltech
12:00 - 12:15

Coffee break

12:15 - 13:45

Session 2. Formation of Strategies for the Development of AI

Many countries, including Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa and others, are discussing national strategies in the field of AI. The G20 has already adopted the principles of AI in 2021. The G7 began the AI-Hiroshima process in 2023. The US president has issued an executive order on artificial intelligence. The EU is developing a bill on artificial intelligence. The Council of Europe is working on a legally binding Convention on AI. UNESCO has adopted the recommendation "Ethics and AI". The UN has established an Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. A group of government experts has been discussing the very sensitive issue of lethal autonomous weapons systems for ten years. All these trends are of great interest to the Russian Internet community.

Andrey, Sberbank
Anna, MGIMO Artificial Intelligence Center
Zaur, HSE
Alexander, Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (Strasbourg)
Konstantin, The Center for Strategic Analytics and Big Data
Evgeny, Skoltech
13:45 - 14:45


14:45 - 16:15

Session 3. Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Internet Security

Information security is an area that is constantly evolving and adapting to new threats and challenges. During this session, we would like to discuss the main trends that will be relevant in 2024 and the near future.

The panelists will discuss the following topics:

  • Innovations in information security – the use of AI as a defense tool and an attack tool
  • New cyber wars – who and how are they attacking?
  • Modern attack – what is it?
  • Satellite Internet – new threats to information security
  • Security issues for iOS devices. Should there be specifics in ensuring the safety of wearable devices, including medical devices?
  • Biometrics as a tool for ensuring security and creating new threats
  • Personal data protection and anti-leakage

Irina, Internet Research Institute
Alexey, Positive Technologies
Roman, Solar
Stanislav, Crypto-Pro
Valery, Department of Information Technology of the city of Moscow
Sergey, МTS RED
16:15 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 18:00

Session 4. Global Digital Compact, WSIS+20

With the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the global proliferation of digital technologies, today's information society is very different from what experts imagined almost twenty years ago in 2005, when the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was established.

Increasingly unpredictable technological changes require greater flexibility of stakeholders for the sustainable development of not only international formats such as the IGF, but also the “rules of the game” themselves. In this context, the initiative of the UN Secretary General is especially noteworthy - the Global Digital Compact (GDC), which should become a comprehensive soft law document that determines the development of the digital industry for decades to come.

In addition to the GDC, panelists are invited to discuss the upcoming twenty-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society “WSIS+20”, which, according to UN General Assembly resolution A/70/125, will be held in 2025 and will analyze the results of WSIS activities, and will also consider extending the IGF's mandate.

Section participants will discuss the following issues:

  • How the understanding of what an inclusive and development-oriented information society should look like has changed over the past 20 years. What does an “inclusive” information society mean in 2024?
  • What does the adoption of the GDC mean for the international community? Are there risks of minimizing the role of the technical community in managing digital development?
  • What current trends and new technologies may help or hinder the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What is the role of artificial intelligence technologies (AI) achieving the SDGs?
  • What are perspectives of the IGF as a platform for international cooperation and stakeholder dialogue? - What steps (if any) are required to reform the IGF?

Roman, Center for Global IT-Cooperation
Vadim, Center for Global IT-Cooperation
Saba, Multistakeholder Advisory Group member, founder and coordinator of the Ethiopian Youth IGF
Vyacheslav, Radio Research Institute
Vasilyev, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Milos, OpenLink Group
Xiao, Institute for Digital Economy & Artificial Systems, BRICS PartNIR
Renata, Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology
18:00 - 18:30


10:00 - 10:30

Presentation of the Virtuti Interneti Award and traditional lecture by the laureate

10:30 - 12:00

Session 5. Inclusivity is a New Reality

An inclusive approach makes digital products and resources accessible to all users, including people with disabilities and disabilities.

At the section, experts will discuss:

  • How and when did interest in the topic of accessibility of digital products in Russia arise
  • How do teams implement an inclusive approach in their products
  • By what metrics and is it even possible to measure the success of the implementation of an inclusive approach in digital products
  • How an inclusive approach allows you to expand business opportunities
  • Why an inclusive approach has become a new reality in the digital world and how it can change the domestic IT market.

Experts will also talk about their experience in implementing an inclusive approach and share real cases.

Alexey, Internet Development Institute
Sergey, RAEC
Maria, Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ
Alexey, Department of Digital Business, VTB
Maxim, JetStyle
Yulia, Moscow Department of Information Technologies (DIT Moscow)
Alexander, Art. Lebedev Studio
Roman, Notamedia
Natalya, Production center "Netology"
12:00 - 12:15

Coffee Break

12:15 - 13:45

Session 6. Ecology and Sustainable Development

Environmental impacts occur at all stages of the digital technology lifecycle. Digital technologies can help reduce environmental damage, but at the same time they can have significant negative consequences for the environment.

Digital technologies can be used to assess the impact of actions already taken, monitor emissions and pollution levels, and develop new approaches across all sectors of the economy, helping them to be more sustainable.

During the section, we will try to draw attention to the problems of sustainable development and environmental protection, as well as talk about finding solutions to these problems and projects that contribute to this. Particular attention will be paid to building the potential for a more circular digital economy, including measures to improve energy efficiency, extend the life of digital devices, help optimize production and consumption, encourage reuse and recycling, and recover scarce resources.

Irina, Skoltech
Maria, Splat Global
Olesya, Megafon
Mikhail, CarbonLab
Valery, Skoltekh
Alexander, Skoltech


14:45 - 16:15

Session 7. Data Management and Trust

Data exchange and technology development are still considered as the basis of public administration, economic development and social well-being. As a result, the issue of regulating data management processes to streamline and incentivize their use, combined with mitigating the associated risks, is relevant for countries with different legal cultures and traditions. The removal of existing barriers to building a "data-driven society" is being discussed by the world's leading economies today. The key task here is to find new legal mechanisms that would ensure free and secure data exchange between all participants in the ecosystem, as well as protect the rights and interests of data subjects and owners.

Karen, Digital Economy
Gleb, ABD
Maria, RAEC
Maxim, B-152
Aleksandr, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Marat, Big Data Association
Irina, Internet Research Institute
14:45 - 16:15

7. Второй поток

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Irina, Art. Lebedev Studio
Alexey, Director General of the RSS Executive Committee
Alexander, Skoltech
16:15 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00

Session 8. “Golden mean”: Balance of Private and Public.

In the process of forming approaches to regulating information technologies when private, public and economic interests collide, there are many participants whose interests need to be balanced. Sometimes even one participant (for example, a person as a consumer) may develop conflicting interests: on the one hand, they want privacy, on the other, they want the development of technology.

During the section, participants will try to analyze the following situations:

  • when the interests of various groups of participants are not sufficiently balanced by the current legislation;
  • when regulation takes into account the interests of all parties;
  • when it is not entirely clear how to optimally balance the interests of all participants when developing approaches to regulating information technologies.

Alexander, Privacy Advocates
Sofia, IP/IT
Holger, Infotropic Media / LegalTech
Alexey, Privacy Advocates
Sergey, PIX Robotics
Alyona, Privacy Advocates
18:00 - 18:15

Free microphone

18:15 - 18:30

Summing up the Forum

Andrey, Director of Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ